Hi. I’m Polina, and I read thousands of profiles a year.

Seriously. I read 1.8 million words last year, which is the equivalent to 25 books. I did that in the name of finding interesting, well-reported profiles worthy of inclusion in The Profile.

I always ask myself one question, “Will the reader learn something from this?” If the answer is no, I don’t include it.

My sole priority since I started this company in 2017 has been to improve the reader’s “content diet.” I wholeheartedly believe that we need to pay significantly more attention to the content we consume. I think what we put in our brains is just as important as what we put in our bodies.

The Profile community has evolved into tens of thousands of people who want to learn and improve both personally and professionally. We do that by studying the wins and losses of the world’s most successful figures each week.

Readers expect excellence from The Profile, and my job is to make sure it doesn’t disappoint. I previously worked at FORTUNE, CNN, and USA Today.